SeasFire has kicked off once again!

SeasFire has resumed its groundbreaking research in seasonal fire forecasting with the backing of ESA-phi lab.

On Thursday, March 7th, SeasFire kicked off its latest phase, outlining its ambitious objectives for the next 10 months:

  1. Advancing transformer architectures in deep learning models for enhanced prediction of Earth system behavior, specifically emphasizing seasonal fire forecasting.
  2. Developing an interactive visualization toolkit to facilitate understanding of Earth observation data and modeling outcomes.
  3. Enhancing CO2 emissions prediction from wildfires by integrating carbon flux data and Earth observations.

Welcoming the National and Technical University of Athens as a new partner, we’re expanding on our existing collaborations to elevate our objectives. With a focus on introducing more sophisticated models and captivating visuals, SeasFire’s renewed efforts are poised to deliver substantial advancements in seasonal wildfire forecasting and Earth system understanding.

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